Source code for e3tools.nn._conv

import functools
from typing import Callable, Mapping, Optional, Union

import e3nn
import torch
from e3nn import o3

from e3tools import scatter

from ._gate import Gated
from ._interaction import LinearSelfInteraction
from ._mlp import ScalarMLP
from ._tensor_product import ExperimentalTensorProduct, SeparableTensorProduct

[docs] class Conv(torch.nn.Module): """ Equivariant convolution layer ref: """ def __init__( self, irreps_in: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], irreps_out: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], irreps_sh: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], edge_attr_dim: int, radial_nn: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] = None, tensor_product: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- irreps_in: e3nn.o3.Irreps Input node feature irreps irreps_out: e3nn.o3.Irreps Ouput node feature irreps irreps_sh: e3nn.o3.Irreps Edge spherical harmonic irreps edge_attr_dim: int Dimension of scalar edge attributes to be passed to radial_nn radial_nn: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] Factory function for radial nn used to generate tensor product weights. Should be callable as radial_nn(in_features, out_features) if `None` then ``` functools.partial( e3tools.nn.ScalarMLP, hidden_features=[edge_attr_dim], activation_layer=torch.nn.SiLU, ) ``` is used. tensor_product: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] Factory function for tensor product used to mix input node representations with edge spherical harmonics. Should be callable as `tensor_product(irreps_in, irreps_sh, irreps_out)` and return an object with `weight_numel` property defined If `None` then ``` functools.partial( e3nn.o3.FullyConnectedTensorProduct shared_weights=False, internal_weights=False, ) ``` is used. """ super().__init__() self.irreps_in = o3.Irreps(irreps_in) self.irreps_out = o3.Irreps(irreps_out) self.irreps_sh = o3.Irreps(irreps_sh) if tensor_product is None: tensor_product = functools.partial( o3.FullyConnectedTensorProduct, shared_weights=False, internal_weights=False, ) = tensor_product(irreps_in, irreps_sh, irreps_out) if radial_nn is None: radial_nn = functools.partial( ScalarMLP, hidden_features=[edge_attr_dim], activation_layer=torch.nn.SiLU, ) self.radial_nn = radial_nn(edge_attr_dim,
[docs] def apply_per_edge(self, node_attr_src, edge_attr, edge_sh): return, edge_sh, self.radial_nn(edge_attr))
[docs] def forward(self, node_attr, edge_index, edge_attr, edge_sh): """ Computes the forward pass of the equivariant convolution. Let N be the number of nodes, and E be the number of edges Parameters ---------- node_attr: [N, irreps_in.dim] edge_index: [2, E] edge_attr: [E, edge_attr_dim] edge_sh: [E, irreps_sh.dim] Returns ------- out: [N, irreps_out.dim] """ N = node_attr.shape[0] src, dst = edge_index out_ij = self.apply_per_edge(node_attr[src], edge_attr, edge_sh) out = scatter(out_ij, dst, dim=0, dim_size=N, reduce="mean") return out
[docs] class SeparableConv(Conv): """ Equivariant convolution layer using separable tensor product ref: ref: """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( *args, **kwargs, tensor_product=SeparableTensorProduct, )
[docs] class ExperimentalConv(Conv): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__( *args, **kwargs, tensor_product=ExperimentalTensorProduct, )
[docs] class ConvBlock(torch.nn.Module): """ Equivariant convolution with gated non-linearity and linear self-interaction """ def __init__( self, irreps_in: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], irreps_out: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], irreps_sh: Union[str, e3nn.o3.Irreps], edge_attr_dim: int, act: Optional[Mapping[int, torch.nn.Module]] = None, act_gates: Optional[Mapping[int, torch.nn.Module]] = None, conv: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- irreps_in: e3nn.o3.Irreps Input node feature irreps irreps_out: e3nn.o3.Irreps Ouput node feature irreps irreps_sh: e3nn.o3.Irreps Edge spherical harmonic irreps edge_attr_dim: int Dimension of scalar edge attributes to be passed to radial_nn act: Mapping[int, torch.nn.Module] Mapping from parity to activation module. If `None` defaults to `{1 : torch.nn.LeakyReLU(), -1: torch.nn.Tanh()}` act_gates: Mapping[int, torch.nn.Module] Mapping from parity to activation module. If `None` defaults to `{1 : torch.nn.Sigmoid(), -1: torch.nn.Tanh()}` conv: Optional[Callable[..., torch.nn.Module]] = None Factory function for convolution layer used for computing keys and values """ super().__init__() self.irreps_in = o3.Irreps(irreps_in) self.irreps_out = o3.Irreps(irreps_out) self.irreps_sh = o3.Irreps(irreps_sh) if conv is None: conv = Conv wrapped_conv = functools.partial( conv, irreps_sh=irreps_sh, edge_attr_dim=edge_attr_dim ) self.gated_conv = LinearSelfInteraction( Gated( wrapped_conv, irreps_in=self.irreps_in, irreps_out=self.irreps_out, act=act, act_gates=act_gates, ) )
[docs] def forward(self, node_attr, edge_index, edge_attr, edge_sh): """ Computes the forward pass of the equivariant graph attention Let N be the number of nodes, and E be the number of edges Parameters ---------- node_attr: [N, irreps_in.dim] edge_index: [2, E] edge_attr: [E, edge_attr_dim] edge_sh: [E, irreps_sh.dim] Returns ------- out: [N, irreps_out.dim] """ return self.gated_conv(node_attr, edge_index, edge_attr, edge_sh)